Would You Like a Cup of Tea With Your Word?

For the first time in the history of Community Baptist Church of Englewood, NJ, a special 7 Last Words & Tea service was held Good Friday morning on April 18th  in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The 8:30 a.m. service was the near end to a full 21 day fast and prayer time as well as a Holy Week Revival that brought expectant congregants  to the alter seeking God’s direction, fresh anointing and renewed faith.

The service capped a week long revival that boasted powerful messages from Jerry M. Carter Jr., Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Morristown, NJ who preached each noon day Monday – Wednesday and the Reverend Dr. James Hall, Jr. of Triumph Baptist Church of Philadelphia, PA preached in each evening service. Rev. Barron O. Wilson, Senior Pastor of Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church of Jersey City presided over the noon day and Maundy Thursday Holy Communion services on Thursday. The Right Hand of Fellowship was also given to new members during the Holy Communion service.

Outside guests have always been a part of our yearly celebrations, however, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr. took to his outstanding ministerial staff to not only host the Friday holy soiree but preach the last words of Jesus Christ.

As the packed room sipped on cups of hot tea and dined on a continental spread and homemade soups, their spirits were fed seven profound, anointed and soul stirring messages. Each minister brought a different view to the cross like never before. The roster was thusly: 

Min. Christine Samuels preached the 1st Word “Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do”, Min. Stanley Howard preached the 2nd Word “This Day Thou Shalt Be With Me in Paradise”, Min. Linda Lawrence preached the 3rd Word “Woman Behold They Son!...Behold Thy Mother”, Min. Marino Beato preached the 4th Word “My God, My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”, Min. Mae Daffin preached the 5th Word “I Thirst”, Min. Ron King preached the 6th Word “It is Finished” and Min. Andra Ellington ended with the 7th Word “Father, Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit”.

“There would be no forgiveness without the death of Jesus. He said hold back the judgment because they know not what they do!” – Min. Samuels exclaimed.

“Jesus refused to compromise. They gave Him vinegar and He spat it out! All help is not created equal!” – Min. Daffin proclaimed.

Mixed in between the services, the Music Ministry provided the praise & worship adding to the powerful sermonic messages. The entire Holy Week revival along with the expectation of God moving through the fast and prayer proved to be a great blessing for many.


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